HK 170530 049 small

Jürg Stäuble

Being More Than a System


In a comprehensive retrospective, Museum Haus Konstruktiv presents the work of Swiss ob-ject artist, sculptor and graphic artist Jürg Stäuble (b. 1948 in Wohlen, Aargau; lives and works in Basel), which spans almost 50 years and is situated in the context of minimalism, land art and conceptual art. Although his two-dimensional works and reliefs, his sculptures, installations and architectural interventions emanate from geometric ordering systems and structural design drawings, Stäuble’s approach is not that of a strictly constructivist artist. For him, geometry is only a starting point or path, not the destination. The underlying design principles are rarely easy for the observer to decode. By exploring the charged environment between rational construction and irrational appearance, Stäuble achieves results that reflect the creative forces of nature without copying them.

curated by Sabine Schaschl


Director Sabine Schaschl and the artist Jürg Stäuble take you on a digital short tour through the exhibition

Made possible by
Binding Sélection d'Artistes

Additional support from
Pro Helvetia
Aargauer Kuratorium
Kanton Basel-Stadt Kultur
Kulturelles.BL, Bildungs-, Kultur- und Sportdirektion
Alfred Richterich Stiftung
Hans und Renée Müller-Meylan Stiftung

Museum Haus Konstruktiv is supported by its patrons, members and