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Christian Herdeg, 2016

CHF 44.00

Lyrical Minimalism

Christian Herdeg (*1942 in Zurich, lives and works there) has been experimenting with the medium of artificial light for over forty years. As one of the first Swiss artists to use fluorescent tubes, he is now considered one of the pioneers of light art. This monograph shows important stages of his work from 1970 to the present day. With contributions by Benno Schubiger, Yvonne Ziegler, Sabine Schaschl, Christian Herdeg, Deborah Keller, Daniel Morgenthaler.

Sabine Schaschl
Publisher: Wienand
Language: German / English
325 x 245 mm, softcover
161 pages, 151 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-86832-365-8

Members: CHF 39.00