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Andrew Bick

original / ghost / variety / shifted / double / echo


Andrew Bick (born in 1963 in Coleford, Gloucestershire, lives and works in London) is one of the leading contemporary painters working in the tradition of Constructivist Art.
In his technically complex and layered paintings, using interplay of free and geometric forms, Bick amalgamates drawing and painting, line and plane, transparency and opacity, colorful and muted surfaces, as well as glossy and matt surfaces, to form an enigmatic whole. Colorful triangular and trapezoidal forms, gesturally applied color fields and sharp-edged structures in white, gray and black block out areas of his often unprimed canvases. Covered with translucent acrylic glass or partially coated with layers of wax that lie over the colors like fog, his precisely constructed compositions combine seemingly contradictory painting methods and multi-layered textures. His architectural visual structures are positioned in the wake of British Constructivism and Systems Art, which emerged in parallel with Minimalism, Conceptual Art and Cybernetics.

curated by Sabine Schaschl


Director Sabine Schaschl takes you on a digital short tour through the exhibition of Andrew Bick.

Made possible by Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne

Additional support from
Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung
Georges und Jenny Bloch-Stiftung

Museum Haus Konstruktiv is supported by its patrons, members and